Who are we?
You came to this site, because you read some of my writings on GAB and wonder who or what is behind it all. I was until twenty years ago a man of this world, now for many, many years belonging to another Kingdom, that of my Father.
The road is narrow, the path is lonely and full of trials, like the Savior taught us. But I have been blessed to walk with the two people by my side, that I love most in this world and who share this one and only goal and purpose with me: To follow Yahshua Hamashiach.
My wife, my son and I , we are of one mind and one Spirit, so, for those that know me from GAB, know that communicating with me, means you are communicating with the three of us.
Me :-)
Ernesto: Bearded, obnoxious, not-so-young guy. Once a businessman, now a follower of Yahshua, sometimes making paintings, sometimes making music with wife and son, mostly loving God. Loved by some, hated by most. Madly in love with wife of 25 years Fran6K, best friend of son Ruben. One who hungers and thirsts for righteousness.
Fran6K: Not bearded, grey haired, sixtiesh gal. Once a business woman, now trying to live up to Proverbs 31, failing often, but loving the Life. Yahshua and the Father number One, Ernesto and Ruben number two.
Ruben: More or less bearded, wood chopping, guitar playing, learning how to homestead, happy young man, great team with Ernesto, great support to his parents, walking the Walk.
Us :-)
Our Life
We lead a simple life. God in His wisdom seperated us from this world, and for many years now we have been living in a yurt (a Mongolian tent), which we made with our own hands, solely led by God, since there was nobody to teach us how to make such a strange dwelling, here in the woods of Belgium, in Europe. We learned to forget everything we ever knew or were before, and found out how beautiful it is to be off grid and dependent on the Father. He is good! I myself from a mainstream Christian background, throwing it all away once leaving the elderly home and living a godless life, my wife from an atheist background, and together living an equally Godless life, full of ourselves and full of this world, we came to realise who we were without Him. And He decided to save us, and we love Him and want to obey Him, in every step, every day, for almost twenty years now. And we are blessed with a son, given to us at an older age, also twenty years ago, and who wants to serve Yahshua, just like we do.
Our Hopes

We believe that God is calling His children out of Babylon, out of this world. In our case we feel that God wants us to leave Western Europe and go to Eastern Europe, we think in the direction of Ukraine.
The reason I joined GAB is the hope that somewhere out there I will find brothers and sisters who hear this same call. The call to leave the world behind, not only spiritually, but to go and live somewhere in Eastern Europe, completely independent of the world, and completely dependent of God. God used many ways to feed us: The three of us have been busking for many years, but for almost a year now, due to the corona regulations, we could not do this anymore. My son and I started painting together some years ago (I had been making paintings as long as he can remember, and my wife selling them) and the joy of creating together is beyond belief. The freedom of it all! And so few, so very few understand the true meaning of “Freedom in Christ”! It is in obedience, in seeking and doing the Will of the Father and not needing anything of what the world has to offer.
So hopefully you have some idea of who you are dealing with now. I am not a native English speaker, so some things I write could seem odd. Bless you, my brother or sister, or future brother or sister, and I hope to hear from you.
Ernesto, Fran6K, Ruben
Here is a video of our life, our land and our music!
Here are some random pictures of us and our strange life :-)